Sunday, December 31, 2006

 History, Doomed to repeat or creative re-invention

It would seen that through out history man creates he destroys he creates a little more and then finds a new way to destroy everything.

Take religon. Fundamentally a great concept. A positive means to inspire hope.
A way to implement mass direction in an age where for so many morality comes with a grain of salt. Yet we find that threw out history some of
The most horrific scenes took place all in the name of religion.

Now it’s not my place to criticize any religion in particular but one can’t help but observe the questionable nature of some of the world’s spiritual leaders.

From the humble witch burnings throught out the 18th century which saw thousands of women murdered in the name of religion. These executions were made public in an attempt to bring the communities closer and more uniform.
Granted there is evidence to suggest that the local court committed these men and women to their deaths but the church, particularly the Roman Catholic had huge influence over the proceedings and for what? To instill fear into those who question the ideals of faith.

But in more recent times some groups or religious faction use new mediums such as television and the internet to publicize killings in a twisted way to inspire terror and induce fear on a global scale.

Religion it would seem is far to easily corrupted. Instead people as a whole should look at other ways to improve general living standards and an overall quality of life now instead of a happily ever after

I would hope that after centuries of death and destruction. That humans could see past the global picture and start thinking smaller. Much smaller. How bout say. Focusing on the ideals of a happy family as it would seem that divorce is in fashion now days. Seeing past your petty differences and making it work for your Childs sake. Giving your children some form of stability. Something solid to build there lives on. Anyone can have a family but not everyone can call them self’s parents.

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